
Compare and contrast aerobic physical activity with anaerobic physical activity.

Googling options for the question “Compare and contrast aerobic physical activity with anaerobic physical activity.”
Response date: 07/2023
Answer author: Rosemary Clapton

Answer to the question “Compare and contrast aerobic physical activity with anaerobic physical activity.”

The correct answer is: aerobic physical activity and anaerobic physical activity differ in terms of their energy systems, duration, intensity, and specific benefits.

A step-by-step explanation of the answer to the question “Compare and contrast aerobic physical activity with anaerobic physical activity.”

Aerobic physical activity:

  • Relies on the aerobic energy system, which generates energy using gas.
  • Involves breathing and heart rate-raising movements that are constant and repetitive.
  • Running, swimming, biking, and fast walking are a few examples.
  • Usually carried out for an extended period of time( for example, 30 minutes or more) at a reasonable strength.
  • Improves strength, fat burning, and cardiovascular health.
  • lowers the risk of serious illnesses like diabetes and heart disease, which supports general health.

Anaerobic physical activity:

  • Relies on stored energy sources and the anaerobic strength system, which doesn’t need air.
  • Involves brief, powerful bursts of activity that are short-lived.
  • Examples include high-intensity interval training( HIIT), sprinting, and weightlifting.
  • Typically carried out for a shorter period of time( e.g., 1-2 seconds to 1-3 minutes) at high intensity.
  • Increases muscle strength, speed, and power.
  • Can help with increased aerobic power, improved athletic performance, and increased muscle mass.
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